how to spot a fake tarot reader
Tarot reading is very taboo because many people deem it to be evil or flat-out fake. Unfortunately, as many great tarot readers there are, many have jumped into this niche to use it as a cash grab and manipulate people with their messages.
As a tarot reader myself, I can spot fakeness from a mile away. I don’t come by it often and do believe most readers genuinely believe the messages they are delivering, however, you need to be careful who you put your trust in, as they can lead you astray.
#1. Money is their priority
These readers will tell you anything you want to hear. “They still love you”, “They’re coming back, the world revolves at your feet”, “You will hit the lottery'“, etc. You will notice that messages feel very generic and lifeless, but the more they feed your ego with nonsense, the more addicted you may become. In every scenario, they will paint you as the victim and the winner, regardless of what may have happened. Every situation will have an unnaturally positive outcome because the goal is to get you to feel good to send them money. They may charge outrageous prices and make sure to mention money every second they get a chance. They may even pressure their supporters or shun them for not purchasing from them.
There is nothing wrong with turning your gift into a business. However, greed can take you down a nasty path of leading people astray for money. It is never a good thing.
#2. Card meanings do not align with what they’re saying
The fakest readers of the bunch are those that are uneducated on the card meanings, but will give you a generic message based on what you want to hear. For instance, they may pull the 5 of swords and tell you this person intends to love you like no one has before. When in reality, they intend to backstab and betray you. If you’re getting a reading, it’s okay to research the card meanings if something feels off or doesn’t make sense to you. I’ve also created a guidebook for learning tarot here if you want to learn more.
#3. They tell you that black magic is being done on you
This one can be a little tricky, because depending on your psychic gifts, you may be able to feel when someone has a dark energy surrounding them, especially if this is not due to their own behavior. So you may hear readers mention black magic as this is a real thing some people practice. However, if that statement is followed by “pay $5000 for me to remove the curse”, then you will know that it is fake. If I ever sense that a querent is being targeted with black magic of some sort, I will give them tips on how to cleanse themselves because well, I’m a decent human being? That’s not something I would ever charge for because your safety is more of a priority than money to me. They know people fear curses and black magic, so it’s an insanely easy way to get money from their readers. Do not reach into your wallet out of fear. Hell, you don’t even need to fear it. If you feel you are being targeted, sometimes simple home remedies, including words of affirmation can help cleanse you of those things.
#4. They don’t shuffle their cards
This is more for those who watch readers via social media. If the video starts with cards laid on the table before recording, it’s immediately a fake for me. I’ve even seen readers pick cards one-by-one from the bottom of the deck, and those cards all magically go along with the story they are selling. No. There is authenticity in watching a reader take their time to shuffle, pull cards, and piece together the story. The story should be led by your spirit guides and not led by the narrative you are crafting in your head. This falls into the money grab I posted on #1. It will feel generic, boring, and that someone is feeding your delulu, because they are.
#5. They have no boundaries on topics they read about
I can’t tell readers what topics they should feel comfortable exploring. However, as a reader myself, it is VERY dangerous to touch on topics such as death, legal matters, pregnancy, and even major financial decisions. If you visit my live readings, I even hesitate when I’m asked if someone’s partner is cheating. That’s because no one on this planet earth, outside of God himself can give you sure answers to questions like those. Readers who claim they can predict pregnancy or death are on an ego high and money hungry. We are not the creators of life, possess no control, and we ALL know there is no sure way of predicting the future. We are only meant to give you a snapshot of current energies and where things are possibly headed for you. It is also dangerous to help someone make a huge life decision based on tarot.
Please remember that tarot cards are used for guidance and advice on how to move forward. You do not make 100% accurate predictions with them or play the role of God. If you see a reader doing that, it’s a cash grab and a way to misuse their power.
Those are a few of the ways I can spot a fake reader, or a reader with bad intentions. Have any more? Drop them below!